Out of Cash

In many ways, the death of redevelopment was inevitable. Brown’s decision, backed up by the Supreme Court, was the atomic bomb detonated at the end of a six-decade war of attrition that had been waged on the balance sheets, in the statutes and, several times, in the voting booths of California.

SB 375 Draws Ire of Tea Party

Environmentalists and many fans of cities hail SB 375 as an important step towards both curbing global warming and creating more pleasant cities. But Tea Party activists nationwide have fought against local and regional planning efforts, often invoking the United Nations’ “Agenda 21” sustainable development effort as the enemy.

Prioritized budget items head to council

The City Council Administration and Finance Subcommittee assigned priorities to an array of potential budget items proposed by commissions, community groups and individual citizens at its annual budget priorities meeting this month.