Placemaking for Pot Smoking

What the Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010 does not do is prescribe how cannabis should be regulated, controlled, and taxed. Nor does it dictate where pot can be sold or grown. It leaves those complex decisions up to cities and counties, which many consider both a blessing and a curse.

Putting Parking into Reverse

As parking requirements facilitate the use of cars, total travel increases, public transit use decreases, buildings scoot farther away from each other, density diminishes, central cities go into tailspins and sprawl increases-all of which, in turn, increases the need for more parking.

You Can’t Spell Subsidy Without B-U-S

A certain radical fringe contends that the benefits of free transit — that is, transit with a 100 percent subsidy (a la schools) — would pay for itself many times over. That might sound a little nuts, except that it’s hard to define a substantive difference between the argument in favor of fare-free transit and that in favor of toll-free roads.